Rametron Overview

Rametron (5th generation)


About Rametron

Rametron (5th generation) Rametron Nodes are cluster instances that exist between the user’s system and the cluster’s machines. Users can perform their jobs on the Rametron node rather than the master nodes, which are important to the system’s general operation. You may avoid capacity losses on these nodes this way. Rametron Nodes will need to perform at a high standard, with node availability, hardware, and the bandwidth necessary to easily transcode data files and effectively deliver content to users. In order to ensure that Rametron Nodes are adhering to minimum uptime requirements, our platform will utilize a Proof-of-Network (PoN) mechanism to validate uptime and engagement (and act as collateral against poor performance and malfeasance). The Pando Tracker Server (PTS) will frequently ping each Rametron Node to assess responses and response times. It will also send and request data packets to regularly test and determine stream quality. These actions will be validated against a cryptographic challenge with unique keys to prevent collusion and assure that each queried Rametron Node is honest. Rametron Nodes are compensated for their uptime, even if streaming isn’t taking place during the entirety of their availability across any given block of time. Rametron software is peer-to-peer technology that runs on individual computers. All you have to do is download and run the software to turn your computer into a "Rametron" in the Pando Network. The Rametron software will not touch one’s computer's files, violate users’ privacy, slow down their computer or interrupt daily tasks. It will only access excess not needed bandwidth and offer it up to the network to be used to relay and translate files.

Mainnet 1.0 – the first variation of the project offered a more simplistic version, where Ramteron Nodes served as decentralized video streaming blocks, however the newly developed Mainnet 2.0 opens up perspectives for the development of such Rametron Nodes, offering space for 1.000.000 of them with specific layer of technology, each serving for a different purpose when streaming, storing, transcoding and sharing files. Ultimately, the system now has unlimited scaling possibilities with no structural costs. New types of Rametron on Mainnet 2.0 enable developers to develop and manage their applications using Pando ecosystem further to effectively handle and manage request addition of four Rametron layer architecture to ensure effective speedy response. Pandolab will keep a centralised core platform CDN for the time being, which will act as the master store for all uploaded material. Based on the instructions provided by the node software, Rametron Nodes will pull copies from the core CDN. Uploads from content creators may be sent directly to adjacent Rametron Nodes and spread across the network as the network grows more decentralised and dispersed.

Rametron Network Layering

Four types of Rametron to create a four-layer cluster to efficiently handle and entertain all types of requests:

  1. Rametron enterprise (streaming)

  2. Rametron pro (storing)

  3. Rametron lite (transcoding)

  4. Rametron mobile (sharing)

Based on the type of user request further request will be redirected to their respective network layer to entertain further.

Minimum Stake to activate Rametron

To become a Rametron Node Holder, users are required to activate by staking different amounts of PTX (Pando Token) for each layer of Rametron.

Rametron Type
Stake Amount

Rametron Enterprise

35,000 PTX

Rametron Pro

10,000 PTX

Rametron Lite

1,000 PTX

Rametron Mobile

250 PTX

Stacking Withdrawal on Rametron

Stakes in Mainnet 2.0 do not have a locking period. Stakings can be withdrawn at any time for any Node in the PandoProject. Upon withdrawing, it takes 2.4 million block heights to successfully release the withdrawn stake to the Node Holder's wallet.

2.4 Million block heights take almost 6 months to be created. After it is generated, the stakes will reflect in the wallet.

Requirement & specification for all the Rametron type

Sr No
Resources (Minimum)
Rametron Ent
Rametron Pro
Rametron Lite
Rametron Mobile



4-cores CPU

4-cores CPU

2 core CPU




16 GB

8 GB

8 GB




Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu 20.04

Win - 10+

Mac - 12+

Ubuntu - 16+

Android-8+ Ios- 12+


Storage Space



256 GB SSD

No storage


Availability to claim reward







On Chain

On Chain

On Chain

On Chain



Live Streaming



Ads & user engagement

*The specification requirements is for Rametron and not for device.*

Last updated

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