Mainnet Metatron Setup
Pando Blockchain Setup and Installation guide for Metatron setup for Win , Mac and Linux
Step 1
Step 2
Note: Code is there on main branch so it can be clone directly without switching any branch using github
Step 2 - [Build and install]
(A) This should build the binaries and copy them into your $GOPATH/bin. Two binaries pando and pandocli are generated. pando can be regarded as the launcher of the Pando Ledger node, and pandocli is a wallet with command line tools to interact with the ledger.
* Notes for Linux binary compilation
The build and install process on Linux is similar, but note that Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS / Centos 8 or higher version is required for the compilation.
* Notes for Windows binary compilation
The Windows binary can be cross-compiled from macOS. To cross-compile a Windows binary, first make sure mingw64 is installed (brew install mingw-w64) on your macOS. Then you can cross-compile the Windows binary with the following command:
You'll also need to place three .dll files libgcc_s_seh-1.dll, libstdc++-6.dll, libwinpthread-1.dll under the same folder as pando.exe and pandocli.exe.
Step 3 - Run unit test
Run unit tests with the command below
Step 4- Launch Mainnet
Open a terminal to launch the mainnet(Chain Id: pandonet). For the first time, follow the setup steps below.
And then, use the following command to launch a pandonet . For this you can use tmux or any other tools to run your node service in the background.
When the prompt asks for a password, enter your required password here.
Note – { Your binary directory path } denotes path where pando and pandocli binary exist or created while running after make install command.
And then after run the following command to launch rpc of the node in another session.
And to get the details of node for further process, run the below command -
This command will give you following information about the metatron node life node summary which is needed for staking process to make node active
Example:{"Address": "0x8f3B...E819",
"BlsPubkey": "a1225b...16ebe",
"BlsPop": "b49fd2a...d025c",
"Signature": "14deb5e...52500",
"Summary": "0x8f3Bc...952500"}
Use Summary key data for the metatron staking from the web wallet.
Re-installation and withdrawal of the Node
Steps to stake and make Metatron node Active
Copy summary from here and go to web wallet
Choose staking option and select metatron
Add copied node summary and stake value more than 10000 PTX to make metatron active
Once done switch back to cli on node now you can see node is active and working on finalizing and verifying the blockchain
Use ./pandocli query status to check syncing status and staking and balance
Same can be verify on explorer just copy address key and paste on explorer and now you can see staking value and in node tab also can see metatron listed there
In case of Panic Error
Run following command
And rerun the chain with above give process with run node
After this let your node sync with blockchain for sometime and put it in observation, once it reaches to current block it will work without any issue till then it needs to be observed.
To change to MT Node Password
1. Switch to the below directory.
2. Download the key which is in the above directory on your local.
3. Then, login to the wallet application.
( with the same key and node password.
4. After logged in to the wallet application , switch to the setting tab and reset your password.
5. Then, upload the new key generated from the wallet application to the same server directory and replace it with the new key and run the below-mentioned command.
6. Now, switch to the directory and run the following command.
7. After the successful compilation of code, you need to go to the background process where the node is running. Terminate the process and run the command with a new password.
Last updated
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