RMS Application
Rametron Management System (RMS)
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Rametron Management System (RMS)
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RMS Application enables it's community to keep a track of their Rametrons, all at one place. Community can purchase licenses and pay rent for RTPro and RTE very easily. For RT Lite and RT Mobile, users can generate their ID manually. One user can only add 10 Rametron IDs for RT Lite and RT Mobile.
We can access the portal using any web browser on any of mobile or desktop device.
URL- https://rms.pandoproject.org/
To register in this application new users need to Create Account. Users can register through the create account option on the login screen.
User needs to fill all the mandatory fields. After signing up the user will get a pop up of ‘Successfully Signed Up’ & a Verification mail will be sent to the registered email address as displayed in the below image.
On this email user need to click on Click here to Verify button to verify the request to create account. After verification they will be able to login in to RMS.
The user has to fill out the credentials as mentioned in the screen below:
In case the user forgot their password, they can change or update their password by clicking on the forgot password. A reset password link will be received on the user's email through which they can change their password.
Using the link, user will be able to reset their password. Now, using the new password, the user will be able to login.
On Dashboard, users will be able to manage and view all type of Rametron's at one Place as you can see in the image below:
After logging in successfully, users will be redirected to the dashboard where they can find the “Get Licence” option. By clicking on that, users will be redirected to the dashboard shown below. Now by clicking on “Get Licence now” they can have any RT product they want.
It will ask you to select the type of Rametron that you will like to get the licence for.
The user can also update the quantity of the selected product in the Cart page and the amount will show accordingly. After selecting the rametron, the user will click on the ‘Proceed to the Checkout’ button for further processing
After this, the next screen will open as shown below. Here you need to update the billing detail and enter your credit/Debit card detail.
Entry for respective booking will be shown on dashboard after confirmation from Management. Mail will be sent to user after receiving the payment. The user can view their payment confirmation status on Transaction tab
On the Dashboard, after payment confirmation, a line will be shown with blank wallet ID field and Connect Now option. After clicking on connect button, option will be as below:
After successfully connecting the wallet option, pay rent will be enabled, Wallet ID and connect to wallet also change to "Connected" as on dashboard.
After Verifying and successfully connecting, Wallet user will be able to pay rent for respective entry option to select particular entry and pay rent is enabled. After this it will ask to enter billing address and Debit/Credit Card detail as showing in below screen. After making payment, user will get confirmation mail for the same and they will be able to view the same on Dashboard . On table last column will able to view Rent status as Paid.
On dashboard tap on RT Lite & Mobile tab, user will be able to view list of respective RT's in respective RT tab. Further if the user wants to add new, he can add after clicking on Add RT ID button visible at the bottom
After filling all the mentioned details. User will proceed for the payment through credit card. After successful payment, user will be redirected to another page ‘Order Received’. Here, users will get all the details about the product which they have booked. And users can directly go to the Dashboard.
Once the order is successfully placed, users will get an Email of Order Confirmation on their registered mail id. Which have an attachment of the Order Invoice. User can see the product details like Product Name, Quantity, Price, & Billing Address in his invoice.
Note - After placing the order, it needs to be verified from the Pandosoft backend application. Once they get verified, then they will be able to see their purchased Rametrons and status will be displayed as completed otherwise status will be in pending.
When user Click on Rt Pro/ Rt Enterprise button displayed on the dashboard then Rent page appears, here user can see following details
For Rametron Pro and RametronEnterprise
(i) Wallet id (if any wallet id available)
(ii) Connect to wallet
(iii) Stake amount
(iv) Earning amount
(v) Due date
(vi) Rent status
Connect to wallet - First of all, the user needs to connect his wallet by clicking on connect Now button. If user clicks on it a small pop up will appear with following details-
(i) Wallet id textfield
(ii) Private key textfield
(iii) RT type box (by default selected, no need to fill by user)
(iv) Verify button
If user fill the valid details and click on verify button then user will be verified and wallet id, staked and earning data will display otherwise user will not be verified and error message will display and hence table remains same as earlier.
Wallet Details - If the user clicks on View details against the added wallet id then a pop up screen will appear as follow-
Once the checkbox has been selected for which you want to pay rent, it will redirect you to the payment page.
Once payment is completed, a successful message displays. Payment confirmation mail will be received on user’s mail and admin as well. Here Rent status will now appear as Paid. When rent is due then the user will receive notification mail.
When the user selects the rt Lite/rt Mobile button then Rt lite and rt Mobile page appears, here user can see following details For Rt Lite and Rt mobile and also add them manually by clicking on add Wallet id button.
(i) Wallet id (if any Wallet id available)
(ii) Stake amount
(iii) Earning amount
Users can add their own wallet ids manually, by simply clicking on the add wallet id button.
Note : It might take a little bit of time to display the added Wallet id, please wait.
On the main screen, you will see the status. Click on Status and a pop-up screen will take you to the screen shown below.
On dashboard tap on RT Lite & Mobile tab, user will be able to view list of respective RT's in respective RT tab. Further if the user is willing to delete his RT, then he can simply click on the delete button after which a pop-up will appear to confirm the request. Here, the user has to select Delete as shown in the screen below:
When the user is on the Dashboard, he can see the Wallet ID. When the user clicks on the Wallet ID, he will be redirected to the Wallet details where he can see the screen as shown below:
Here user profile detail will be shown as below.
In this section user will be able to view transaction made by them with payment status as shown in below screen.
User can Sign Out through the ‘Sign Out’ Button displayed on the dashboard page
Users can check the current version and key features by clicking on the RMS version link displayed in the right corner in the footer of the dashboard page.
Users can see the policies by clicking on the Privacy Policy link displayed in the footer.
Below are the various mail templates user will receive for various interactions on portal.
When a user creates an account, he gets a verification mail on his email id and further when they make an order, they will receive an email regarding the same with details of their order.